screen capture colors

Subject: screen capture colors
From: Grace Joely Beatty <Empressgjb -at- AOL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 17:07:35 EDT

LaVonna asked me to post the following on getting clear screen captures:

When we capture Windows screens to be printed in black and white (or grey
scale) we use the Windows Default color palette, which is primarily grey,
white, and light blue.

We make the following changes:

Change the color of (1) the Active Title Bar and (2) the Highlight Bar to
royal blue. This is the 5th column over, 4th square down on the Custom Color

Change the color of (1) the Active Title Bar Text and (2) the Highlighted
Text to white. This is the 8th column over, 6th square down (the last square)
on the Custom Color palette.

We capture the screens in 256 color (640 x 480) as .tif files.

Good luck. Let me know is there are other questions.


Joely Beatty
AOL = Empressgjb
Internet = Empressgjb -at- aol -dot- com

July 19, 1994
1:53 pm

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