Tech Writing job, Alameda, CA

Subject: Tech Writing job, Alameda, CA
From: Shannon Ford - Technical Writer <shannon -at- UNIFACE -dot- ALAMEDA -dot- CA -dot- US>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 10:50:59 -0700

Technical Writer job posting

Uniface Corporation is the world leader in client-server application
development technology. The UNIFACE product was selected as the
Best Windows Client-Server Development Tool in Computerworld's Buyer
Scorecard and received DB Expo's Realware Award in 1993. The following
opportunity to join our talented engineering team is available:

Technical Writer experienced in UNIX environments and/or programming.

Teamwork and flexibility a must, yet you must be able to work
independently as the solo technical writer at this location. Possibility
of travel to Amsterdam, Netherlands, for limited periods of time.


* In-depth knowledge of FrameMaker and a second document preparation
* Proven ability to present complex information in easy to understand
format (portfolio examples required)
* Desire to participate in usability reviews of systems
* Willingness to understand the technology being documented


Published experience in

* Distributed computing
* Relational DBMS (Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Informix, etc.)
* Network connectivity (TCP/IP, LAN MAnager, etc.)

a big plus.

Uniface offers excellent compensation and comprehensive employee
benefits, in addition to an exciting and fast-paced work environment.
To join the team behind the No. 1 client-server development tool, send
or FAX resumes to:

Karen Heinzen, Engineering
Uniface Corporation
1320 Harbor Bay Parkway,
Alameda, CA 94502-6556
FAX 510.748.6295

No telephone calls, please.


I can answer informal questions via e-mail.

Alameda is across the bay from San Francisco, near Berkeley and Oakland.

Shannon Ford
shannon -at- uniface -dot- alameda -dot- ca -dot- us

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