Re: &*%$ words

Subject: Re: &*%$ words
From: Mike Pope <mikep -at- ASYMETRIX -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 09:12:00 PDT

Well, the American Heritage Dictionary -- perhaps not a 2-digit-IQ
publication -- gives this as its
ONLY definition of swear word: "An obscene or blasphemous word." So we can
attempt to explain
patiently to our dense audience that rigorous logic dictates the
impossibility of the definition
they assume, or we can figure out what people mean when they say it and
report accordingly.

-- Mike Pope
mikep -at- asymetrix -dot- com

>To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
>Subject: Re: &*%$ words
>Date: Saturday, July 30, 1994 8:08PM

>On Sat, 30 Jul 1994, Lester Klein wrote:
>> Swearing: To swear is to take and make an oath. There ain't no
>> such things as "swear words". Only people with 2-digit IQ's use that
>> expression.
>Darn! I didn't realize I had a two digit IQ. I've always equated
>'swear' with 'obscentity' (among other meanings). Heck, each of the four
>different dictionaries I checked did the same. You must be the only one
>around with a three digit IQ...

>You're my hero.

>Eugene Mallay | "International Clients Welcomed"
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>Voice: (416) 261-4241 | *Handbooks/Manuals *General Editing
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