Word 6.0 /Windows

Subject: Word 6.0 /Windows
From: John Russell <johnr -at- BRS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 10:10:39 EDT

I've been using Word 6.0a for Windows for quite awhile and have recently
realized how poorly it manages memory. Has anyone else out there who uses
Word 6.0 regularly noticed the same?

For instance, when I start Windows, my system resources (Program Manager,
Help | About) are at about 78%. When I start Word, it drops to about
68-72%. After working in Word for about an hour, my system resounces
dwindle to about 50% (I've seen them go as low as 16%.)

The trouble is, even when I close Word, my system resources never return
to 78%; they might go as high as 57-60something, but never back to what
they were before I started the program. This makes me think that Word
is not freeing the resources it completes a task.

An additional reason I ask is because about a week ago Windows seemed
to explode on me while I was running Word and another program. Just before
it went out (and boy did it go out) I received a memory error in one of
the Word DLLs. Immediately after that, I was thrown to the C: prompt!

What ensued involved taking Windows and Word completely off my machine,
running a fix-disk utility on my hard drive, and them reloading them,
re-establishing entries (basically reloading) several other software
packages in order to get them to work (entries in the Windows .INI file,
etc.) and restoring one of my documents from a backup.

Has anything like this happened to anyone else out there? Is this a
Word problem? Has anyone else noticed this same memory loss while using
Word? Is there a fix for it???


johnr -at- lurch -dot- brs -dot- com

|/ K. John Russell \||/ \|
| Dataware Technologies, Inc. || There's never enough time |
| 5 Computer Drive South || to do all the nothing you want. |
| Albany, New York 12205 || |
|\ (518) 437-4025 /||\ - Calvin /|

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