Re: Pulling my hair out

Subject: Re: Pulling my hair out
From: Kimberley Lackey <97372509 -at- WSUVM1 -dot- CSC -dot- WSU -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 22:57:32 PDT


I must say I am sympathetic with your criticisms of your boyfriends writing
skills. I am a technical writer who is married to a mechanical engineer. I also
have over two years of engineering background, so my husband has a hard time
getting away with telling me I do not understand the material.

If your boyfriend asked you for help on his resume, obviously he was open to
suggestions. It was just the criticism that hit too close to home. After many
long nights of fighting with my husband over the "right" way to write things I
have finally come to the conclusion that the only way to be happy is to give
all the help you can and leave it up to him to use it or not. I have also found
it helps to explain as clearly and patiently as you can, why your idea would
be better then his. I have finally gotten to that point with my husband and it
has made life much nicer. Considering we are both very stubborn individuals, I
think that was a big step.

Good luck with your boyfriend.

Kimberley Lackey
97372509 -at- wsuvm1 -dot- wsu -dot- edu

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