Re: Report on how kids can't write well

Subject: Re: Report on how kids can't write well
From: "Westra, Kayla L." <13718westr -at- KCPBLDG01 -dot- BV -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 07:41:00 CDT

As a former high school and junior high school teacher, I'll throw in my two
cents worth.

One of the most frustrating aspects of teaching was trying to get the kids
to write. Especially when grades don't really matter to them. It's
difficult, if not impossible, to motivate kids to write, and if you don't
have parents who back you at home, it's definitely impossible. Kids learn
what is important to them, and I tried to stress that writing helps them in
every job they ever have.

Ultimately, it's the kid's responsibility to learn. The teacher can only

As a side note, keep in mind that the average English teacher sees about 130
students every day. Even if you only require one paper/written assignment
per week, the workload is staggering. Add in all the things you're required
to do for curriculum coverage in addition to writing...

Kayla Westra
Black & Veatch
13718westr -at- kcpbldg01 -dot- bv -dot- com
"Treasures have no value unless you share them."
To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
Subject: Re: Report on how kids can't write well
Date: Thursday, August 11, 1994 5:38PM

I am also increasingly frustrated at the quality of written materials my son
brings home from school. I have tried to be a gentle reviewer (of course,
after the fact) and not embarrass anyone, but have been rebuffed at every
point. I guess it boils down to those parents that have some writing
knowledge re-educating our children. One local school has ratified an
internal statement that says, loosely paraphrased, "Teachers are not
responsible for children's learning-their parents are." Please realize that
I'm not putting down teachers at all-it's a tough job and I know I couldn't
do it. However, _everyone_ coming out of high school, much less college,
should be able to write a coherent sentence.

Yes, I am putting on my asbestos suit in preparation for flames. <g> I
believe that we are _all_ responsible for our children's education-from
parents to teachers to religious leaders to friends. So let's volunteer to
help out in our neighborhoods and the schools and give our kids a fighting

Mary Bull || "Mind that bus,
Dayna Communications || what bus, SPLAT."
Salt Lake City, UT || --Arnold J. Rimmer
Mary_Bull -at- dayna -dot- com ||

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