Re: WinWord6 memory issues

Subject: Re: WinWord6 memory issues
From: mpriestley -at- VNET -dot- IBM -dot- COM
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 12:42:38 EDT

Matt Hicks wrote:
>> This is a key point. A good video driver is
>> essential for the stable operation of MS Windows. A poorly written video
>> driver can waste enormous amounts of resource memory and then fail to
>> release it.

>Another day, another reason to buy a Mac. As if I needed another reason.

If I buy a Mac, will it run OS/2? No? Oh dear... guess I'll stick to my
486. As if I needed another reason. ;->

Just pointing out that there's two (or more) sides to every debate. And you
don't necessarily have to solve a software problem by switching hardware
platforms (unless of course you bought a Mac :-)

Michael Priestley
mpriestley -at- vnet -dot- ibm -dot- com
Disclaimer: 1) I'm blatantly biased because I work for the company that
makes OS/2. 2) I'm speaking on my own behalf, not that of my company.
3) I'll probably get in trouble anyway.... :-(

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