Plug for learning sentence structure

Subject: Plug for learning sentence structure
From: Karla McMaster <mcmaster%pcmail -dot- cti-pet -dot- com -at- CTI-PET -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 10:12:14 EST

Reading about people diagramming sentences just made me want to give a short
plug for understanding sentence structure:

I'm glad I paid attention to that stuff in school, because it sure came in
handy when I learned German. In German, all the nouns have specific gender
articles (masculine-der, feminine-die, and neuter-das), and the ending of the
article depends on the case of the noun--nominative, accusative, or dative.
Thanks to my grade school Roberts English, I didn't have to learn those
concepts in addition to the German!

Karla McMaster, technical writer
CTI-PET Systems, Inc., Knoxville, TN
mcmaster -at- cti-pet -dot- com

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