From: Carl Stieren <stieren -at- DEV -dot- SIMWARE -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 14:00:47 -0400

Several days ago I posted a message on graphics packages (draw programs) for
Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0a.

From the few responses I received, I have drafted a short, specific survey.
Please respond, and you will receive a compilation of all responses next
week, either as a posting in TECHWR-L or as an individual message to you

1 Do you use Word for Windows for your hard copy docs? _____ If yes,
version: _____
If no, which word processor? _________

2. Which graphics package have you used in hard copy documents?

____ Corel Draw 3.0 ____ Corel Draw 4.0 ___ Corel Draw 5.0

____ Micrografix Ver. ___ _____ Canvas Ver. ___
____ Visio Ver. ___

____ Harvard Graphics Ver. ___ ___Other:

2. What package has given you Windows metafiles that compiled in the
Windows Help compiler?


3. Which package is the best one you have found for hard copy

4. Why was the above package the best?

5. Which package was the best one you have found for online WIndows Help?

6. Why was that package the best for online?

Carl Stieren.................Technical Writer.................Simware, Inc
|"The earth to be spann'd, connected by net-work... |
| The oceans to be cross'd, the distant brought near, |
| The lands to be welded together." (W. Whitman, d. 1892) |
stieren -at- dev -dot- simware -dot- com -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- Ottawa, CANADA
I write documents for, but do not speak on behalf of Simware.

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