Re: Usage of the word "thru" -Reply

Subject: Re: Usage of the word "thru" -Reply
From: "Mark D. Walker" <MWALKER -at- CONNECT4 -dot- SLC -dot- UNISYSGSG -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 15:59:22 -0700

>Am I the only Technical Writer who uses "thru" when referring to a
>series of items? The people who review my manuscripts would rather
>see the word "through," but I'm sticking with thru unless my fellow
>writers tell me I'm wrong.

I guess it depends on where you work. The technical manual style
guide we must abide by for U.S. Air Force manuals states that
"through" should be used EXCEPT when referring to a series of
numbers, in which case "thru" should be used. For example, "1 thru

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