thru vs through

Subject: thru vs through
From: Caryn Rizell <caryn -at- HPPTC95 -dot- ROSE -dot- HP -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 09:09:30 PDT


This thread of thru vs through really amazes me. Never in a
million years would I even consider using 'thru'. Did
someone have a teacher once that taught that this was ok?

I'm curious where the idea came from that this was ok to use.
I admit I haven't looked at the dictionary in a while to
notice that thru was even in it.

I am certainly in favor of the evolution of language, but
this one has thrown me off guard.

I always assumed that when I saw the word 'thru' in a sign
that the person writing it didn't know better. Kind of like
saying CD's instead of CDs.

Does that mean that it is ok to say:

I flu to New York last week?
Would you bru me some coffee, please?
She blu her nose loudly.

I'm kidding of course (maybe!), but would like some
edification on where we were taught to use 'thru'.

Caryn Rizell
caryn -at- hpptc95 -dot- rose -dot- hp -dot- com

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