Re: Do you equate engineers and programmers?

Subject: Re: Do you equate engineers and programmers?
From: Charles Fisher <decrsc!charles -at- UUNET -dot- UU -dot- NET>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 15:27:42 -0400

I remember reading something recently about professional
engineering societies lobbying for the exclusive use of
the term "engineer" only for those persons who had engineering
degrees and/or who had passed professional engineering
licensing exams. Basically, they want to make it illegal
for anyone other than a degreed/licensed engineer to
call themselves an engineer, which basically ix-nays job
titles like computer engineer or software engineer, etc.

Can anyone else add more details?

"If you take hyphens seriously you will surely go mad."
-John Benbow
Charles Fisher
President, STC Washington DC Chapter

Senior Documentation Specialist
Datatel, Inc. (703) 968-4588 (voice)
4375 Fair Lakes Court (703) 968-4625 (FAX)
Fairfax, VA 22033 charles -at- datatel -dot- com

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