Data and signal interface docs

Subject: Data and signal interface docs
From: Tom Kohn <tkohn -at- SCITEXDPI -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 17:05:23 EDT

This may be a new thread, or you may reply to me in person for including
your comments in a summary message. Take your pick.

The overall subject matter for the thread is
"What comprises a good, thorough, and usable interface document?"

Of course, this is a disguised query for help on a project that
hasn't been one of my tasks for many years. Subordinate questions
might include the following:

What topics are required to describe:
input signals?
output signals?
input data?
output data?
connections that carry the signals and data?

What other topics are necessary for full interface information?

I will broadcast this query periodically for a month, and I'll collect
all responses sent to me personally or through TECHWR-L. Expect a
summary about the end of September.

Thanks for your help, already!

Tom Kohn
tkohn -at- scitexdpi -dot- com

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