Re: reconditioned toner cartridges?

Subject: Re: reconditioned toner cartridges?
From: Peter Kasaty <kasaty -at- CRASH -dot- CTS -dot- COM>
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 1994 05:57:54 GMT

In article <9408201858 -dot- AA43038 -at- rs6000 -dot- cmp -dot- ilstu -dot- edu>,
<prsawyer -at- rs6000 -dot- cmp -dot- ilstu -dot- edu> wrote:
>>>>We used reconditioned toner cartridges for our HPLaserJet III-class
>>printers and were somewhat less than pleased with them. They did cost
>>less, but in our experience they leaked toner and caused maintenance
>>problems (enough to give us major headaches).<<
>>They also do NOT last as long. In the organization I worked for that used
>>them, we determined that there was no saving in usage. suepstewrt -at- aol -dot- com

>I think part of the problem lies in the vendor that sells the cartiridges.
>In the lab that I ioned cartridges for our HP
>LaserJet IV's, our Laserwiter IINTX's, as well as our LaserWriter Pro. We
>haven't had problems with leakage or any of that sort. Sue is right; they
>don't last as long, but with the high volume that we go through, we decided
>to stick with the recycled cartridges. If one vendor is giving you
>troubles, try another. I think it is a matter of personal preference.


<< snip >>

AND when we had our Apple Laserwriter repaired, the technician said the
major servicing that had to be done (approx $500) was due to
reconditioned toner cartridges. We've stayed away from them since.

I would prefer to use reconditioned cartridges (environmental, etc.,
reasons) but have given up until their quality increases by a huge amount.

If anyone can recommend a good source, I would be willing to give them a

-- Peter kasaty -at- ctsnet -dot- cts -dot- com (San Diego, Calif., USA)
---- my account ---------- my PC ---------- my opinion -----

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