Re: for Arlen

Subject: Re: for Arlen
From: "Arlen P. Walker" <Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- CORE -dot- CORP -dot- JCI -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 13:42:17 -0500

> Arlen, I know I've sent stuff to you directly before, but now
> my messages get bounced back. What's the deal, you gettin'
> too many flames? :)

Yes I have. ;{>} That's why I've so artfully hidden my address in my
signature file.

Seriously, Richard, what's happened is that our systems group has once
again changed the rewrite rules for our mailer, this time to an impossible
address. I can't control what they do to my return address field on the way
out the door, but you can count on my .sig address to be as correct as I
can make it. Sorry about the problem.

Have Fun,

Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- jci -dot- com
IN GOD WE TRUST --- All others must provide data

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