Communication Planning

Subject: Communication Planning
From: "Christopher M. Fisher" <Christopher_M_Fisher -at- ANDERSEN -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 17:05:59 CS

Gentle readers-- (that should cover at least a few of you ;-)

I'm looking for guidelines to help me develop a communication plan.
Specifically, I'm building a medium-scale communication plan (with an audience
of roughly 1,000) that will use several vehicles (print, video, etc.) to
deliver a group of related messages over a six month span. The messages are
intended both to teach the audience about a new product and to make them want
to use it.

At the present time, I'm just looking for a few good books on communication
planning--not necessarily methodologies or "how to" books, but just enough to
get me started on audience analysis, choosing the right vehicles for the
messages, and long-term program planning/resource management. In particular
[<<warning>>: thread revival imminent], I'm looking for a few *metrics* to
measure the success (or failure) of each message.

Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Christopher Fisher
Communication Specialist cfisher -at- andersen -dot- com
Andersen Consulting
"If I didn't have writing, I'd be running down the street hurling
grenades in people's faces." --Paul Fussell

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