
Subject: Arlen
From: "Vollbach, Elizabeth" <evollbach -at- CCLINK -dot- LOGICON -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 13:31:45 PST

This message was meant to be a reply to Arlen, but I just get it
returned. Here:

"Hey, Arlen.

"As for your comment about my comment about your comment, no, your
comment wasn't inept. It was your opinion, and you have the right to
think what you want. But I learned as a child, when I always said out
loud whatever I was thinking, that it is best if I keep some thoughts
to myself. Oh, sometimes I still say something I wish I hadn't,
especially in my email messages. In email you can sound worse than
you really mean. And I hope that's the case with your comment.

"Anyhow, the point I'm trying to make is that your comment sounded
like you were intentionally trying to degrade those of us who don't
know something you do. Not nice.

"Arlen, sometimes, just sometimes, you sound like you are challenging
us, trying to make us dislike you. Now, I certainly understand
someone's enjoying debate, as when I debate with a coworker about the
horror of the Clinton health plan. But debate doesn't have to be
angry. O.K.? Let's keep life pleasant."

Sorry to the techwr-lers. I do realize this message in inappropriate
for the list.

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