Arizona TechCommWeek

Subject: Arizona TechCommWeek
From: Daniel John Brinegar <6545 -at- EF -dot- GC -dot- MARICOPA -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 1994 05:20:34 -0700

To (*) : Daniel John Brinegar <6545>
Subject : Fwd: Tech Comm Week Notice
Written : 10/10/94.11:53pm

Forwarded message:
Subj: Tech Comm Week Notice
Date: 94-10-10 13:07:21 EDT
From: systrend -at- indirect -dot- com
To: HBDeBenu

Technical Communication Week 1994

Governor Fife Symington has proclaimed October 17 through October 23 as
Technical Communication Week 1994. This is the seventh annual celebration
created and supported by the Society for Technical Communication (STC)
Phoenix Chapter.

What is STC?
STC is an international organization serving the technical communication
profession. STC promotes technical communication and provides education,
scholarships, competitions, conferences and seminars, community service,
networking opportunities, and employment information (for employers and
job-seekers). The STC Phoenix Chapter has been recognized by STC
International with the Chapter Achievement Award in 1992, 1993, and 1994.

Who are technical communicators? What is technical communication?
Technical communicators include writers, editors, information analysts,
independent consultants, managers, artists, illustrators, translators,
educators, photographers, and audiovisual specialists. Technical
communication is the written and graphic process of documenting a product or
procedure--what it is, how it works, and how to use it. Technical
communication includes: user, reference, and operator manuals; courseware;
training materials; specifications; policy and procedures; online
information; proposals; brochures; and reports.

Celebrate Technical Communication Week!
How can your organization participate in Technical Communication Week?
* Set up a Technical Communication Week table in your company's cafeteria or
lobby. Display your company's documentation products, STC information, and
the Governor's Proclamation.
* Award a recognition certificate to your company's "Outstanding Technical
* Present a framed copy of the Governor's Proclamation (a sample copy is
included with this notice) to your management--in appreciation of their
support of technical communication.
* Publicize the event in your company newspaper or newsletter.
* Make a presentation on the "added value" of technical communication to
* Learn more about technical communication and STC.
* Attend our seminar--Words vs. Pictures--on Saturday, October 22. Dr. Bill
Gribbons (a nationally-recognized expert on instructional theory and human
factors) will explore the human, cultural, and literacy factors that impact
the use of text vs. graphics.

For additional information on Technical Communication Week, STC, and the
seminar, please call me at (602) 838-5316.

Peg Darnell
Society for Technical Communication Phoenix Chapter
Technical Communication Week Coordinator
David Darnell
Tel (602)838-5316
Fax (602)897-8479

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