top 10 list

Subject: top 10 list
From: Gad <gad -at- KSU -dot- KSU -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 20:48:49 -0600

Hey folks--
Since the thread seems to have died down, I thought I'd go ahead and post
my list of the titles suggested over the past couple of weeks. I'm including
the original post/request. Sorry for any mistakes made in assembling this
list. Also, the extent of bibliographic info varies. Enjoy.


In my ever advancing quest to better myself I am interested in discovering
what other technical writers feel are the top ten books that every technical
writer should either own or have read. I look forward to receiving your replies.

(2) _The Chicago Manual of Style_

Curme, George. _English Grammar_.

Copperud, Roy. _American Usage & Style: The Consensus_.

Eisenberg, Anne. _Writing Well for the Technical Professions_.

Fowler, H.W. _Modern English Usage_.

Hartley, James. _Designing Instructional Text_. East Brunswick NJ:
Nichols, 1994.

Horton, William. _Designing and Writing Online Documentation_.
???: John Wiley, 19??.

---. _Illustrating Computer Documentation_. ???: John Wiley, 19??.

Judd, Karen. _Copyediting: A Practical Guide_.

Lutz, Bill. _Doublespeak_. New York: Harper, 1989.

_A Manual of Style_. ???: U of Chicago P, 19??.

Mulvany, Nancy. _Indexing Books_.

Norman, Don. _The Design of Everyday Things_.

Pakin, Sandra and Associates. _Documentation Development Methodology_.

Perry, Carol Rosenblum. _The Fine Art of Technical Writing_.
???: Blue Heron, 1991.

_Pocket Pal: A Graphic Arts Production Handbook_. ???:International
Paper, 19??.

Shaw, Harry. _Punctuate It Right!_.

(2) Strunk & White. _The Elements of Style_.

_The Synonym Finder_.

(2) Tufte, Edward. _Envisioning Information_.

(2) ---. _The Visual Display of Quantitative Information_.

Wellisch, Hans H. _Indexing from A to Z_.

Winner, Langdon. _The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits
in an Age of High Technology_. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986.

Woolever, Kristin R. and Helen M. Loeb. _Writing for the Computer

_Words into Type_.

Wurman, Richard Saul. _Follow the Yellow Brick Road_.

(2) Zinsser, William. _On Writing Well_. New York: Harper, 1990.

Less specific recommendations include:

- A good dictionary
- Computer dictionaries
- Any of the _XXX for Dummies_ books

Greg Dyer || If it's bigger than your head,
gad -at- ksu -dot- ksu -dot- edu || it's probably a melon. ||

Greg Dyer || If it's bigger than your head,
gad -at- ksu -dot- ksu -dot- edu || it's probably a melon. ||

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