Re: Reading a draft "for content only"

Subject: Re: Reading a draft "for content only"
From: Gwen Barnes <gwen -dot- barnes -at- MUSTANG -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 15:32:51 GMT

-> >Just maybe, those of you who feel you're getting dinged for
-> >grammar by your techies need to sit back and look at the big
-> >picture...

-> I agree. I don't want ANYONE to see my brainless
-> typo-grammatical errors (new term I just made up!), since I'm
-> SUPPOSED to be the expert in that area.

I agree. If you want your engineers to read for content and not style,
the style issues should be taken care of before anyone outside your
office sees your work.

The engineers I work with here spend practically their entire lives on
the job. I think it all boils down to demonstrating that I respect
their time. In turn, they respect mine, and when the time comes that
they *must* review a draft MS for technical accuracy, it gets the
quick turnaround it needs.

Gwen gwen -dot- barnes -at- mustang -dot- com
MSI * Connecting the world 805-873-2500

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