Re: Frame/InfoMapping seminars

Subject: Re: Frame/InfoMapping seminars
From: Jeff Jungblut <JJUNGBLU -at- STAC -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 10:53:00 PST

Could someone please briefly explain just what Information Mapping
techniques are? I've heard the term tossed around on this list so much, but
have never seen a clear definition. Are there any good examples of
commercial software manuals that use Info Mapping techniques?

Jeff Jungblut
Technical Writer
Stac Electronics
jeff -dot- jungblut -at- stac -dot- com

To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
Subject: Frame/InfoMapping seminars
Date: Thursday, February 23, 1995 10:43AM

Rick Lippincott mentioned the FrameMaker/Information Mapping seminars:

>If you get an invitation to attend a joint FrameMaker/Information Mapping
>seminar dealing with hypertext documentation, be advised that it's a
>sales pitch.

>At least it's free.

>Rick Lippincott
>Eaton Semiconductor
>Beverly, MA
>rlippinc -at- bev -dot- etn -dot- com

I happened to attend one of these free seminars in San Diego. Not only did
I learn something, I was also very lucky. Out of the 130 people in
attendance, my business card was drawn to win a free Information Mapping
course. It was like a dream come true. I had wanted to take a course for
several years but couldn't find the financial support to afford it.
The course changed my way of doing documentation and gave me clear
direction when it came to handling different types of information.
I recommend attending these free seminars, and I also recommend
Information Mapping.

Susan Self
Thomson Software Products
San Diego, CA
susan -at- thomsoft -dot- com

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