Re: Tests to Select Competent Writers

Subject: Re: Tests to Select Competent Writers
From: Marc Santacroce <santa -at- TFS -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 11:39:00 PST

I now of a company in the SF Bay area that gives a three hour psychological
test. No, I wouldn't work for them either.
At 10:07 AM 3/7/95 -0600, Ellen Adams wrote:
>Tech Writers,

>What about psychological tests? Any other tech writer
>have to endure one of those? I was up for a position
>as a technical editor with a West Coast-based software
>vendor. The company flew me from Austin, Texas out to LA,
>where I was interviewed by company bigwigs, given a tour
>of the company, and given a four-and-half-hour psychological exam
>(administered to me by a medical professional in Tustin, CA).

>Sample test question:
>What would you rather be?:
>a. an accomplished painter earning large sums for your canvases
>b. a well-compensated full-back on a winning football team
>c. a real-estate salesman winning top awards and commissions

>(I believe the answer the company was seeking was B.
>It would say: "Team Player." True to my creative nature and
>not really a seller or a sports fan, I chose A.)

>I guess I flunked, because I flew back to Texas, and never
>heard from the company again.

>Drug tests are okay. I don't mind; I don't do drugs. But
>psychological tests? I detest them. These exams are not a measure of
>talent. They're not even a good measure of subservience and loyalty.



M_a_r_c_ A. _S_a_n_t_a_c_r_o_c_e_________________________
Technical Writer/Trainer
TRW Financial Systems, Inc.
300 Lakeside Dr.
Oakland, CA 94612-3540
santa -at- tfs -dot- com santacroce -at- aol -dot- com

"An idiot with a computer is a faster, better idiot"
- Rich Julius

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