Re: comics - U.S. Army

Subject: Re: comics - U.S. Army
From: Steve Wax <stevewx -at- ESKIMO -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 06:35:43 -0700

Dick Dimock writes:

>Back in the seventies, the U.S. Army put out a series
>of "comic" books on equipment maintenance.


>I latched onto one early in my tech writing career, and
>have carried it in my collection ever since. I consider
>it a stellar example of technical communication.


Too long ago, my mentor pulled open a drawer full of his prize catches,
rummaged way in back, and fished out a folded and taped glassine.
"Grasshopper," he said--well, what he actually said was, "Now this they
read!" He handed it over. I unwrapped it--he's giving me a comic book?--and
began to read, amazed. "The Army let them *do* this?" "It cost," he said,
"but it got your attention."

And it still had his. He was hovering, not letting it out of his sight. So I
handed it back and he put it away per his own private spec: (1) slide manual
back into glassine, (2) refold permanent creases, (3) retape carefully, (4)
reopen drawer, (5) reach way in back, (6) lay manual down gently, (7) close

"They did that one right," he said. "That was the best."

>Does anyone know if the military still uses them or
>something like them?

In case you missed it, Bev Parks wrote:

>FWIW, for many years the U.S. Army has published a preventive
>maintenance magazine (for combat equipment--tanks and such) that
>is entirely in comic book form. The magazine is called "PS, The
>Preventive Maintenance Monthly." It's small (about 5x7). The
>cover is in full color, but the rest of the book is b&w with a
>third color (which changes each month). They use screens on the
>third color. The July 1995 issue is Issue #512, so it's been
>around for a while. In addition to regular characters, even the
>equipment and tools talk. It must be fairly successful to hang
>around for so many years.

>...the publishing organization lists an e-mail address for
>comments and suggestions. They may be willing to send you a copy
>of the magazine. If you're interested, let me know by private
>e-mail and I'll send you the address.


steve wax stevewx -at- eskimo -dot- com
After the final no there comes a yes
and on that yes the future world depends. --Wallace Stevens

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