References for capitalizing references (Was Re: Fig. or Figs.?)

Subject: References for capitalizing references (Was Re: Fig. or Figs.?)
From: Loren Castro <lfc -at- SOL -dot- CHINALAKE -dot- NAVY -dot- MIL>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 13:59:53 -0800

For capitalizing references within a document--

1. The "U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual" prescribes,
for example, figure 7, table 4, section 3, appendix C, page 2, and
paragraph 4.

2. The "Publications Handbook" of the Naval Air Warfare Center
Weapons Division (where I work) prescribes, for example, Figure 1,
Table 6, Section A, Appendix B, page 354, and paragraph 6.

3. MIL-STD-962B, the standard that supposedly specifies the style
of all government standards, is moot but itself uses, for example,
figure 11, table IV, section 4, Appendix A, page 1, and (no word
"paragraph") 6.2.

4. The standard I work to the most is moot but itself uses, for
example, Figure 1, Table II, section 5 and Section 8 (yes, both),
Appendix A, page ii, and (no "paragraph") 5.7.1 and paragraph 4.5.5
(yes, both).

Go "figure."

But, back to the original subject, the standard says "Figures 4
through 10" explicitly. OK, I'm done.

lfc -at- sol -dot- chinalake -dot- navy -dot- mil

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