Re: PDF Files Are BMPs?

Subject: Re: PDF Files Are BMPs?
From: Joanna Sheldon <cjs10 -at- CORNELL -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 07:36:03 -0400

So, Tim --

> PDF is actually a terribly complex format with several
>layers. Much of it is reminiscent of PostScript, actually. A PDF file has a
>page description, but it also has layers that describe the file, itself.

Maybe you'd know why I get the message from the Distiller, every time I
change a Frame (5.1 for Windows) file to PostScript, that I've got PJL
nonsense in the PostScript file which prevents the Distiller from making a
PDF file. When I'm at work, using Win95, I can open the *.ps file in
Wordpad and remove the first two lines (with the PJL nonsense), and get the
Distiller to work. At home I work in Win 3.1 where the Notepad isn't
capable of taking big files, and I'm simply stuck.

Any illuminations?



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