Re: resumes - e-mail, html, paper, and otherwise

Subject: Re: resumes - e-mail, html, paper, and otherwise
From: KAREN_OTTO -at- HP-SPOKANE-OM2 -dot- OM -dot- HP -dot- COM
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 09:14:58 -0700

Item Subject: cc:Mail Text
I am in TW heaven, so I am not looking for a job, *but* if I were...

I would have a base resume of less than two pages (my existing one is
two years out of date). This would be in my flavor-of-the-month
favorite word processor.

The base resume would have clear indications of what I specifically
want in terms of my dream job. It would also list tools along with
level of expertise (e.g. a group of tools that I am highly experienced
in, and a group of tools that I have used infrequently).

It would also describe my job experience as it relates to the job I
want. That means my 13 years of engineering design experience would be
two paragraphs or less.

That base resume is the first thing I would create.

Then, in order to find a job, I would:

- distribute this base resume to headhunters, et al, along with a
fairly generic cover letter. Probably e-mail/fax first, followed by a
laser-printed copy on good stationery.

- build an html resume that I would store on my own site.This resume
would be used primarily for networking on the web.
( offers 2 MB of free storage space if you'll put up
a page I don't know if they "allow" resumes)
(Online career center accepts resumes.

- develop a 20 second verbal resume that I can spout to anyone who
might know anyone who might have a cousin that knows someone.

When I had a specific job I wanted, I would develop the base resume to
bring out highlights that pertain to that job.
I would also make a cover letter that very specifically declared that
I wanted that job. (Not necessarily a "creative" resume, but rather
one that would be recognized by the person who wrote the ad.)

That new resume would then be sent in any form they wanted, and
followed up by a nice stationery copy to the snail mail address.

karen_otto -at- hp -dot- com

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