Re: trademark usage questions

Subject: Re: trademark usage questions
From: "Parks, Beverly" <ParksB -at- EMH1 -dot- HQISEC -dot- ARMY -dot- MIL>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 12:33:30 -0700

I have absolutely no idea what any of this has to do with trademark
laws, but I don't see it as an adjective/noun thing at all. It's more of
a members/class thing. Red and purple are members of a class called
color. Table and chair are members of a class called furniture.
PowerBuilder and VB are members of a class called development tools.

Maybe I'm just in a different frame of mind right now. I hope this makes
sense to somebody.

Bev Parks
parksb -at- emh1 -dot- hqisec -dot- army -dot- mil

>From: Chris Hamilton[SMTP:chamilton -at- GR -dot- COM]
>I need a sanity check on the following text to make sure it follows
>trademark usage laws correctly:
>" allows you to use development tools, such as PowerBuilder(TM) or
>Visual Basic(R)."
>At first glance, this construction might appear to be wrong because
>PowerBuilder and Visual Basic appear to be used as nouns. But then I
>started thinking that the quote is kind of like saying:
>"it comes in a variety of colors, such as red or purple."
>In this construction, red and purple are adjectives that describe
>colors. Would the same hold true for my actual construction in the first

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