Re: Good Client, Bad Client, Red Ducks

Subject: Re: Good Client, Bad Client, Red Ducks
From: Stuart Burnfield <slb -at- FS -dot- COM -dot- AU>
Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 00:25:31 +0800

Peter Gold <pgold -at- NETCOM -dot- COM> said:
> The idea of exchanging experiences with peers and colleagues, about
> potential clients or employers is good, though formalizing the most
> appropriate, effective, and (choose one or more: reliable, factual,
> neutral, legally-safe, non-emotional) mechanism is a major problem.

And in the end, how practical would it be? A good or bad experience only
relates to one employer in one location at one time. The advice is only
useful if another techwr-l subscriber is interested in a job with the
same employer in the same location, not too long after.

If in 1997 you apply for a job with TLA Software in Edinburgh, what use
is it to learn that the manager of TLA's Glasgow office in 1992 was an
incompetent sexist oaf? If the job is with Bob's Software Cottage in
Andorra, what are the odds that another techwhirler has worked there and
posted a review? And if the job is in your own town, you probably have
other, better resources to try first -- your local STC chapter, your
network of informers, or Peter's good suggestion below.

> Sometimes less is more. One approach could be simply posting to the list
> something like, "I'm interested in working for the following
> client/employer, in city X. Does anyone have direct experience to share
> PRIVATELY with me?"

Stuart Burnfield What the critics said about Stuart Burnfield:
Functional Software
<slb -at- fs -dot- com -dot- au> "Stuart is malicious, but he is not subtle."
- Albert Einstein

ps. hoping there are no software companies in Glasgow called 'TLA'. . .

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