Re: pdf bookmark hierarchy

Subject: Re: pdf bookmark hierarchy
From: Dan Azlin <dazlin -at- SHORE -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 00:40:47 -0400

At 15:31 5-6-97 -0600, John Engler wrote:
>It seems that when it rains, it pours. I have yet another question for
>all of you. BTW, for those interested in what we decide to do for
>on-line help for our new Java application, I'll be sure to post when a
>decision is made--that will likely be a few months down the road at the
>pace things seem to go.
>And now, on to my question (I've cross-posted to PDF-L):
>I'm using Frame to generate bookmarks for my pdf according to my Frame
>p-tags. In most cases this works beautifully (isn't Frame great)--in
>books with a cover, TOC, preface, and a body file.
>However, I can't seem to get the system to recognize the hierarchy of
>one certain p-tag when I have multiple body (chapter) files. It's the
>p-tag we use for our chapter name--there's only one chapter name p-tag
>per file. But after distilling, the pdf file bookmarks are all
>skeewompus. Sometimes it puts all the first-level headings from each
>chapter under the pervious chapter's bookmark. Sometime is puts the
>chapter bookmarks on the same level as first-level heading with nothing
>under them. I know I've set the hierarchy up correctly in Frame. Does
>anyone have any ideas about why this happens or what I can do about it?

1. Use the book file to generate your .pdf or .ps file.
2. Make sure that the p-tag name is identical in all chapters. Copy the
p-format between chapters if necessary.
3. Make sure that the correct p-tag is assigned to your title text.
4. From the Print screen... set up the p-tags to be bookmarked AND the
level of indenting you want for each.
5. Make a test .pdf document.

If that doesn't work, pick a chapter that will serve as a standard template
for formatting. Then import all of its formatting features into your other
chapters AFTER deleting all of the p-tags from the para-catalog in your
target file. Also, when importing the formatting from your std template
file, make sure you select the import options to have all text reformatted
according to the new format definitions. Of course, you may have a bit of
clean-up in each target file to make it look like you want it, but all of
the p-tags will be identically named in all of the files. This is
important! for bookmarking.

Good luck.
Dan Azlin

Dan Azlin ** WORD ENGINEERS, Technical Writing & Publishing **
dazlin -at- shore -dot- net 7 Myrtle Street
ph/fax 508-921-8908 Beverly, MA 01915-3315

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