Re: Half Day Interview

Subject: Re: Half Day Interview
From: Kim Keegan <keegan -at- EXPLORERS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 15:26:19 -0400

Michael Clark wrote:
> A potential employer of mine said they would like me to spend "at least
> a half a day" with them for an interview.
> What in the world would we do over a half day?! Should I prepare for it
> any any differently than I would other interviews?

Recently, I interviewed with a company and spent three hours there. I
met with the HR guy, then with various departments and project teams
(they had multiple openings due to expansion), and in the process of
meeting with so many people, got a pretty good tour of the building.

I didn't know ahead of time how much time I was going to spend there,
but I'm glad I had taken the day off!

BTW, I received an offer but turned it down due to the restructuring of
my current position.

Good luck!

Kim Keegan | Information Developer
ISI Data Services / Intrepid Technology
keegan -at- explorers -dot- com or keegan -at- isidata-intrepid -dot- com

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