Re: The Kennedy Faux Pas [Ref:C189850]

Subject: Re: The Kennedy Faux Pas [Ref:C189850]
From: "Wayne J. Douglass" <wayned -at- VERITY -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 13:41:07 -0700

At 10:10 PM 5/9/97 +0100, Andreas Baumert wrote:
>Well, ich bin ein Berliner. The "ein" is used to put some emphasis on
>that message. Kennedy told us that way: Don't panic. That's my city as
>well. They have no chance to take it. Believe me, we were panicking
>these days and we needed that message.
Alas for Andreas and others who were on the firing line, the phrase has
degenerated into a joke here in the US. I remember the photo opportunity
provided by Zbigniew Brzezinski on the border with Afghanistan shaking a
rifle in the general direction of the invading Soviet troops. Skeptical
reporters referred to this grandstanding pose as "ich bin ein Khyber Passer."

--Wayne Douglass

Verity, Inc. mailto: wayned -at- verity -dot- com
894 Ross Drive Telephone: 408-542-2139
Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Facsimile: 408-542-2040
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