TechComm Web Pages -- new address

Subject: TechComm Web Pages -- new address
From: Iain Harrison <iharrison -at- SCT -dot- CO -dot- UK>
Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 13:23:27 GMT

There is a new, slightly more memorable address for the
TechComm mailing list web pages. At first, it wasn't
working, but I'm told it is OK now.

The new address is

The old address still works, but if anyone does have
problems reaching the new address, please let me know at
iain -at- hairydog -dot- clara -dot- net

Of course, people are very welcome to join the list, and to
participate in discussions.

There are instructions about joining, posting and leaving
the list on the web pages, but briefly:

You join by sending the message 'join techcomm' (without the
quotes) to list -at- user -dot- itconsult -dot- co -dot- uk

You post to the list by sending your contribution to
techcomm -at- user -dot- itconsult -dot- co -dot- uk

Please contact me if you need any help

Iain Harrison
TechComm listowner
iain -at- hairydog -dot- clara -dot- net
iharrison -at- sct -dot- co -dot- uk

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