Proposal List

Subject: Proposal List
From: Marika Chalupa <iamarika -at- EROLS -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 15:02:52 -0700

For those who asked...I finally found out the details for subscribing!

This is the email that Carl Dickson sent me:

To sign-up, send a message addressed to proposal-l -at- ari -dot- net with
proposal-l" in the message body.

To leave, send a message addressed to proposal-l -at- ari -dot- net with
proposal-l" in the message body.

A digest version is also available. It waits until there are 30k of
messages and then kicks out a single message with the text of the
individual messages inside. It is harder to reply to, but can be more
convenient than receiving individual messages.

To sing-up for the digest version, send a message to proposal-l -at- ari -dot- net
with "subscribe proposal-l-digest" in the message body.

To leave the digest version, send a message to proposal-l -at- ari -dot- net with
"unsubscribe proposal-l-digest" in the message body.

To switch from one to the other, first unsubscribe your current version
then subscribe to the one you want.

If you are unsure which version you have and want to unsubscribe,
unsubscribe from both (one command will fail, but it won't hurt

If you can't figure it out for any reason, just email me at the address
below with what you're trying to do and I'll take care of it for you.

Carl Dickson cdickson -at- govsolutions -dot- com
Government Solutions Phone: 703-847-3601 Fax: 703-760-7899
8000 Towers Crescent Dr., Suite 1350, Vienna, VA 22182

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