Re: Agencies-response

Subject: Re: Agencies-response
From: Becca Price <RP51 -at- CHRYSLER -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 12:52:32 EDT

*** Reply to note of 05/13/97 11:43

I've never worked with KTI/DDI, and so can't comment on them, but I've had
several agencies send their rep to the interview - and always felt it was
more to protect me than from any other reason. the only time a rep ever
spoke up was when the potential client was describing my duties, and they
were wildly different from what the client had described to the jobshop...
the rep pointed out that if they were having me do that kind of stuff, it
would need to be at a higher rate than what had been discussed between them
previously... and more $$ for me.

At least in Michigan, the going payment seems to be about 50% of what the
client is paying the jobshop, so I don't find that terribly outrageous.
(well, actually, I do, but since out of the 50% I don't get, I get bookkeeping
and taxes taken care of for me, SSI paid, and a pretty good benefits package,
I figure it's worth it... plus, they do all the work of finding the jobs for
me, so they're entitled.)

I've had both good luck and bad luck with agencies that friends and
respected collegues have had very different experiences with. YMMV,
I guess.


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