proofing docs

Subject: proofing docs
From: "Misti Tucker USAET(UTC -04:00)" <mtucker2 -at- E-MAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 14:27:46 EDT

Cathy Carr asks:

<snip>> she said that it's quite common for manuals,
>release notes, and suchlike things to go out from software companies
>without ever being proofread.
>Is this true in y'all's experience? If it is, does anyone have suggestions
>as to how to keep up quality control in documentation that isn't read by

Cathy, in almsot 10 years, I don't think I've every let anything out the door
without some sort of proofing -- but some of them have been pretty quick
once overs. The reality is that deadlines and budgets don't always allow
for either the time or the fresh eyes that a good edit would require. I try
to get around that by spending any downtime (minutes while I wait for a meeting
and such) looking over random pages of the documents I have on my pate at
the moment. It's not perfect, but in my expereince it's pretty typical.

Misti Tucker
Technical Communication mta -at- cyberspace -dot- org (h)
& Help System Design mtucker2 -at- e-mail -dot- com (w)

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