Re: Resume ideas

Subject: Re: Resume ideas
From: Sella Rush <SellaR -at- APPTECHSYS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 12:46:51 -0700

Interesting suggestions, Buck.

I've had incredible luck with my resume. It's two pages, but I use a
slightly thicker stock and double side it.

The front side looks like a standard resume:
--experience/skills summary (this is where I highlight details, provide
functional perspective i.e., 3 years software documentation, 5 years
technical writing, and I taylor it to the employer)
--employment history (very brief, names, dates, locaton, one sentence
about the work, job title(s)) [note: I put full references on a
separate sheet and provide at an interview]
--all jobs skills (software, etc.).

On the second page is a list of related projects, which is also tailored
to the job I'm applying for. This may be a help system, a user guide,
procedure manual, proposal, etc. I include what the project is, usually
the audience, sometimes who I did it for, any special software used. I
also try to mention something unusual about the project: "the challenge
here was..."

This second page really seems to catch people's eye. Last year when I
was looking for a job, with a little experience but not a lot, I sent
out 21 resumes over about two weeks and got 18 interviews (and a couple
of offers). Every person commented on that second page, and I quickly
learned to match the portfolio I brought to the projects I listed and
that really made a big hit.
Sella Rush
sellar -at- apptechsys -dot- com
Applied Technical Systems, Inc. (ATS)
Bremerton, Washington USA
Developers of the CCM Database

>From: Buck & Tilly Buchanan[SMTP:writer -at- DHC -dot- NET]
>Sent: Thursday, May 15, 1997 3:51 AM
>Subject: Re: Resume ideas
>I've had numerous requests for resume tips that we learned during the
>previous life when we operated Top o' The Stack Resume Service.
>We truly enjoyed that little episode in our life and didn't/don't find
>resume prep a
>chore at all.
>Of course we use many of the same phrases/words in all the docs, but
>it's not a "boilerplate" paper.
>What goes in our own resumes?
>With our years of experience (I'm 67, Tilly's not) we go
>back through the list of jobs and *create* a resume that answers the
>requirements of the advertising company.
>We NEVER tell a lie in a resume, but as we've often said, *There's no
>one else to pat us on the back and tell us what a great job we did. We
>must do it ourselves.*
>We have prepared standard resumes for ourselves on Tech Writing, AutoCAD
>Editing, Overseas work, etc. Even so, each one is custom prepared to
>match the classified ad.
>We use a FUNCTIONAL resume that lists skills and number of years in
>each. Never a Chronological one.
>At this age, we never mention dates of graduation, and when we fill out
>an application (despite the resume, most employers require it) we never
>go back past five
>Never include a picture. Employers who ask for that are using it to
>discriminate! Do you look too young? Too old? Minority?
>Don't be afraid to use I, me, and other first person pronouns. The
>document is about YOU and those academic elitists who advise against
>such practices probably haven't had to look for a job since 1960.
>NEVER NEVER NEVER make the document more than ONE PAGE! The resume is
>designed to get you the interview, not the job (despite my most recent
>experience to the contrary). The hiring authority probably will spend
>less than ONE Minute reading it.
>Some agencies prepare a resume that's multiple pages, submitted in a
>colorful binder with the agency and applicants on the front. Pretty,
>but doesn't work! Usually costs you a couple of hundred dollars as
>Functionally list skills/years/description with those headings across
>the top half of the page. Education, certificates near the bottom.
>Highlight (bold, never italic) words that correspond with words
>published in their classified ad.
>I try not to give past salaries, but am up front in stating a DESIRED
>salary (50% more than I will accept). Most past employers will not tell
>an enquirer how much you made! They have learned from lawsuits that
>it's best to reveal only dates of employment. Some won't even tell
>that; only that *Yes, he was employed here in 1994-1995*
>I consider many things in my salary requirement:
>I'll work for $5 less per hour if the morning/afternoon drive is very
>short, or there is little traffic.
>At 67 I'm not worried about health benefits, but for most of you it's an
>important consideration.
>The most important point for me in agreeing to go with an agency is:
>How do they treat me while we're looking? Hard to get in touch with
>after first communication? Don't return calls? Submit me along with 50
>others? Try to find other contractors who have used the same agency, but
>be very careful about the contractors' report.
>I believe that agencies should pre-screen and submit no more than three
>candidates for each position. You should consider mass submissions like
>winning the lottery. Big-g-g-g agencies are notorious for this gaffe.
>Many contractors that we've talked to (and read on this list) are
>compulsively Politically Correct. Those people will NEVER tell you the
>truth about an agency or employer. They are so full of platitudes that
>it becomes truly sickening to listen to *I think you ought to give them
>another chance*, *Don't believe what others tell you*, *Give them the
>benefit of the doubt*, *Always clean your plate*, etc.
>Others may be slammers. Those people SLAM everybody.
>Try to get to know the source's general attitude about PC; it's an
>indicator of truthfulness in reporting about agencies/employers.
>Good luck!
>Buck Buchanan
>writer -at- dhc -dot- net
>Arlington, TX
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