Capitals after WARNING:

Subject: Capitals after WARNING:
From: Stuart Burnfield <slb -at- FS -dot- COM -dot- AU>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 15:05:00 +0800

I'd capitalise the first word. If the whole thing were a sentence, then
yes, the word after the colon wouldn't normally be capitalised, but as
you say, the word 'warning' isn't part of the sentence -- it's more like
a call-out.

In any case, I'd leave out the colon. The purpose of this special
formatting is to draw attention to the caution, so that anyone skimming
past is unlikely to miss it. You can achieve this in many ways -- extra
white space or a rule before and after the paragraph; bolding the word
'Warning'; using a different font for the text; poking the warning into
the left margin; using an icon.

To me these are all 'signal' (though don't use them all at once!). The
colon is just noise.

Stuart Burnfield A place to stay. . . enough to eat
Functional Software Pty Ltd Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the
mailto:slb -at- fs -dot- com -dot- au street. . .
Roger Waters "The Gunner's Dream"

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