Bad work experiences continued

Subject: Bad work experiences continued
From: Cappy Anderson <ipsofac -at- CYBERTOURS -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 08:59:30 +0000

I recently posted my 2 cents with regard to a list, cataloging writers'
bad work experiences. I opined that as a licensed but non-practising
attorney that opinions rarely rise to the level of a viable legal
Just per chance, in my web meanderings, I came across the following
address: which is the master
site for for people actually doing something about all the spams to
legitimate usenet groups that need such posts.
It is an incredible read for any number of reasons. The sheer work
involved in filtering the junk out, how they do it, etc. Its
interesting from a methodology point of view alone. It also contains an
actual black-list that started with the infamous green card lottery for
foreigns started by-who else?-two lawyers. It is not exactly on point
to what was discussed here-but there lessons to be learned.
It really brings home the principle of the oft repeated hokey
expression of "personal responsiblity"-or put another way-Newton's
second law. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Cappy
Anderson, York, ME

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