Re: desparately seeking java-based help

Subject: Re: desparately seeking java-based help
From: Ruth Glaser <ruthg -at- GORETEK -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 16:22:01 -0500

Bill said:

>Just got back from Toronto and talked with the Sun folks there in the
>Online SIG forum. They basically said it will be a while before you
>will see ANYTHING public on JavaHelp.

Darn! I knew I should have attended that session. I did attend Chuck Beck's
presentation on "What's all this Jive about Java." Both he and others in
attendance indicated that Sun currently has information available re: Javahelp
on their website. I was dubious, but thought I'd see if anyone had the URL.
Thanks for the other pointer. (BTW, Chuck, a list member, did a bang-up job!)

>And... I don't think you'll see any "JavaHelp Authoring Tools" for a
>long time. 6 Months at least. In my experience, the Help Tool vendors
>are about 6 months behind the bleeding edge... in getting product to
>market that works.

True, true, true, but it would be nice to see Sun's info so we can develop
strategies at least.

>I've got news for you: Java is not browser independent either. MSIE
>does not fully support the latest JVM, and they are not exactly jumping
>at the chance to do it either. NetHelp and the features they have are
>the most browser independent... but you're right, nothing is completely
>browser independent... even Java. This... is the greatest tragedy of
>the browser wars... :-|

I just wrote a very flame-baiting response to this, basically slamming Microsoft.
(It is, afterall, their choice not to support standard Java and the JVM and once
again try to "Microsoftize" a non-Microsoft technology.) But in a moment of good
judgement (few and far between ;-)), I've deleted it for the sake of keeping peace
on the list.

rglaser -at- nxtrend -dot- com

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