Re: Rates and Raves

Subject: Re: Rates and Raves
From: Melissa Hunter-Kilmer <mhunterk -at- BNA -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 09:45:04 EST

On Tue, 20 May 1997, Dennis Hays <dhays -at- NOVALIS -dot- COM> wrote:

><raising his hand> I'll take on the task of compiling a spreadsheet of
rates and pay for dissemination to this list.

What a prince you are, Dennis! :-)

>I propose the following categories:

>Region: US/NE, US/Mid-Atlantic, US/South, US/Midwest, US/NW, US/West Coast,
UK, (Other country designation--and if there is a region within country,
let me know).

I think you will want to specify what states belong in what categories. For
example, I live in Virginia and work in DC. VA and DC could go in mid-Atlantic
or South, depending on how you break things down.

Also, salaries vary greatly here by ZIP code. Pay in DC (ZIPs start with 200)
tends to be greater than elsewhere. But it isn't that simple -- pay in Bethesda
(20814) tends to be greater than in nearby Bowie (20716). I think this stuff
needs to be broken down by ZIP.

Otherwise, a great idea!

Melissa Hunter-Kilmer
mhunterk -at- bna -dot- com
(standard disclaimer)

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