Documenting Floating windows - how would you do it?

Subject: Documenting Floating windows - how would you do it?
From: Carla Lotito <lotitoc -at- BERCLAIN -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 11:28:43 -0400

Dear techwriters,

Here's a dilemma many of us face often....What would you do in this situation?

I'm documenting a product which has floating windows (windows that can be
accessed from several points in the software).

The documentation is by module in the software and includes field
descriptions. However, window X can be accessed from module A, B and C.

Different users may use each module but it is possible that the same user
use all modules. The documentation will be delivered as a whole, not by module.

Where would you document the description of window X?

* In module A and then provide a cross-reference from B and C?

* Would you repeat the exact description in each module?(this may increase
translation costs)

* Or, would you make a new chapter called Floating windows at the end of the
book (where it may not be seen by a user) in an appendix and just mention
the existence of these windows and refer users to the appendix in each
module for more information?

I wait for your enlightening answers.




Carla Lotito
Sainte-Foy, Quebec (CANADA)
lotitoc -at- berclain -dot- com
"A writer pulls word from within, just like a spider threads a web from
itself". (Kane)

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