How many technical writers are there in the world?

Subject: How many technical writers are there in the world?
From: Michelle Corbin Nichols <tigger -at- VNET -dot- NET>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 21:33:50 -0400

I could have sworn that this question has been answered or bantered about
before, but I could not find a search string to get the archives down to a
manageable chunk to surf through.....Here is the question du jour:

How many technical writers in the world???

I know that there are 20,000+ members of STC, but beyond that, how many
more do you all think that there are? How else could I find quantifiable
numbers for how many there are?

Please forward responses to this question to (or at least CC your response
to TECHWRL): michelle_nichols -at- vmedia -dot- com

This is my work e-mail address (I follow the list from my home e-mail
address) and I am doing some research for work.....

Michelle Corbin Nichols

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