Re: Job Postings -Reply

Subject: Re: Job Postings -Reply
From: "David B. Demyan" <dbdemyan -at- WORLDNET -dot- ATT -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 12:58:05 -0400

Michael Wilder wrote:

> When I see the "excellent writing skills" requirement on a job
> listing, it usually indicates an entry-level position and/or a
> company that doesn't know much about tech. writing.


Interesting.... I remember a thread six months or so ago in which
several listmembers complained that job postings seldom mention
a requirement for excellent writing skills. I also remember the
posters theorized that the people posting the jobs must not know
much about technical writing if they don't even include excellent
writing skills as a requirement.

As a frequent job poster (and a professional technical
communicator) I always include something like "excellent
writing skills" as a requirement. And, when I receive the resulting
resumes, I always try to judge the level of writing skill by a detailed
reading of the resume and, if the candidate looks serious, any
writing samples we get. Even though it should be obvious
that I am looking for excellent writers, I feel it is necessary to
state it and expect to see proof.

I also feel that as a consulting firm, we owe it to our clients to
expect and screen for excellence since this issue may not occur
to clients when using us to hire a contract writer.

Regards to all,
David B. Demyan Mendem Concord, Inc.
Toll Free: (888) 753-8500 Technical Writers
FAX: (908) 756-0129 Document Conversions
dbd -at- mendem -dot- com

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