Avoiding Disaster (was: Re: Clarity or Talking Down?)

Subject: Avoiding Disaster (was: Re: Clarity or Talking Down?)
From: Darran Bogden <bogdendp -at- BMTS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 04:23:22 +0100

Dan BRINEGAR wrote:

> [Begin restating The Rules]
> Rule 1: "Dear Mom..."
> Rule 2: "If you screw this up, your customers could die."
> Rule 3: "If yer customers are idiots, it's because *YOU* are not doing
> your job, see Rule 1."

Thanks, Dan! I've been avoiding this thread because the original
premise (paraphrased to "why bother being clear") seems absurd to me. I
write Nuclear Power Plant Control Room and Field Operating Procedures.
If everyone wrote their procedures like their customers lives depended
on them, we'd have much less misunderstanding in the world. All the
clocks, on all the vcrs, would read the correct time.... <grin>

Darran Bogden
Technical Writer and Musician
(or is that Keyboard Pounder and Guitar Player?...)

Opinions expressed are those of the author and not of the employer...

bogdendp -at- bmts -dot- com

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