Re: Students, STC, and Student Chapter

Subject: Re: Students, STC, and Student Chapter
From: Bernice Kieffer <bernice_kieffer -at- MENTORG -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 09:07:32 PDT

As an ex-president of a local chapter of the STC, I am disturbed by this post.

Perhapse there may have been some misunderstanding about whether your
suggestions where being taken seriously or just "blown off". It is sometimes
difficult to follow all meeting suggestions due to the diversity among a
chapter's membership and the fact that topics are chosen for chapter meetings
because they appeal to a wide range of the membership. If a misunderstanding
has occurred, the situation might be improved by asking for representation on
Executive Committee. Even if you don't have an elected representative, maybe
you could start to attend the meetings as an observer to learn how the local
chapter operates. These meetings should be posted and open to all members who
want to attend. Another idea is to volunteer to work on the Program Comittee so
you can be part of the decision making process.

What disturbes me more is the fact that Competition information was not passed
on. The STC as an orgainization encourages student involvment in the
organization through thier student competitions and scholarships. Was this the
first year this has happened? Is it possible it was an oversight? Someone may
have volunteered to get the materials sent out then never followed through on
the promise. Rather than asking for a "Student Liasion" to the comittee, maybe
it would be more benificial to volunteer to work on the committee. It would put
you in a good position to find out all about the competitions and to pass this
information on to the rest of the students.

That out of the way, it does sound like you might be having some problems with
the leadership of your local chapter. If that is indeed the case, then there
are a number of options you can explore. The first being to contact the
Director Sponser for your region and discuss the situation with them. They can
fill you in on what is really required to start a Student Chapter and provide
guidence and support if you chose to start one.

Also, remember that your student membership gives you the same voting rights as
the rest of the members of the chapter. If the Chapter Leadership is really the
problem and you decide a Student Chapter is not practicle, then exersise your
rigth to vote by backing someone whose philosophy is more to your liking.

In closing I would like to encourage you to continue to make the STC a part of
your professional support group.

Bernice Kieffer
Former President
Central New Jersey Chapter of the STC

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