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Subject:Coping with Microsludge [fwd] From:Judyth Mermelstein <Judyth_Mermelstein -at- BABYLON -dot- MONTREAL -dot- QC -dot- CA> Date:Wed, 15 Oct 1997 06:20:29 GMT
Sorry this is so long, but it does appear to be necessary!
No doubt the instructions for Mac users are also available
from the same source.
Judyth Mermelstein
<judyth_mermelstein -at- babylon -dot- montreal -dot- qc -dot- ca>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 13:14:25 -0400
From: Bill Blinn <bblinn -at- sprynet -dot- com>
To: copyediting-l -at- cornell -dot- edu
Subject: ADMIN: MICROSOFT e-mail product users please read
If you use a Microsoft e-mail product, you may be sending attachments to
mailing lists. The attachments are NOT readable and they create a mess in
the digests. Please review the following information:
This information is from the Microsoft Knowledge Base
Preventing WINMAIL.DAT Sent to Internet Users
Last reviewed: April 3, 1997
Article ID: Q138053 The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Server, version 4.0
Microsoft Exchange Windows clients, version 4.0
When you send mail to the Internet from a Microsoft Exchange Windows
client, an file attachment called WINMAIL.DAT may be added to the message.
This attachment contains Microsoft Exchange rich-text information for the
message being sent. The WINMAIL.DAT file may not be useful to non-Microsoft
Exchange recipients. The information in the WINMAIL.DAT file may appear on
the receiving end as binary information at the end of the mail message.
This article describes how to prevent sending the WINMAIL.DAT attachment to
Internet users when you are using the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail
Connector (IMC).
You can control whether or not to send rich-text format in any one of the
following ways:
1. Creating Custom Recipients
When the administrator creates a custom recipient using the Microsoft
Exchange Administrator program, clear the "Always Send To This Recipient In
Microsoft Exchange Rich-Text Format" check box.
2. Modifying Existing Microsoft Exchange and Custom Recipients
The administrator can modify an existing user account (Microsoft Exchange
user or custom recipient) to not send rich-text format information, by
clearing the MAPI Recipient check box in the Advanced property page of the
recipient's properties. You can view the recipient's properties by
selecting the recipient name and then choosing Properties from the File menu.
3. Addresses in the Personal Address Book
The user can modify the Internet addresses in a their personal address book
not to send rich-text information by clearing the "Always Send To This
Recipient In Microsoft Exchange Rich-Text Format" check box in the SMTP -
Address property page of the Internet address in the PAB. To obtain the
properties of an entry in a PAB, select the entry and choose Properties
from the File menu.
4. Configuring the Internet Mail Connector (IMC)
The administrator can configure the IMC to send or not to send rich-text
information by following the steps below:
a. Bring up the properties of the
Internet Mail Connector.
b. Select the General property page.
The Send Microsoft Exchange Rich Text list box controls
the sending of rich-text data. There are three values
to choose from:
- If the value is set to User, the recipient properties
are used to determine whether or not to send rich-text
- If the value is set to Always, rich-text information
is always sent, regardless of the recipient properties.
- If the value is set to Never, rich-text information
is never sent.
You can also configure whether or not to send rich-text information on a
per-domain basis. To define e-mail domains and the message settings for
that domain, click the E-Mail Domain button.
5.One-Off Addressing
You can send e-mail to an Internet user from an Exchange client, using
One-Off addressing. One-Off addressing allows sending a message to
addresses that are not in the Personal Address Book, the Global Address
List, or in any recipient containers.
Depending on the type of the One-Off address used, rich-text information is
or is not sent with the message:
a. Rich-Text Information Sent:
If the One-Off address has the following format, rich-text
information is sent with the message:
[SMTP:<SMTP Address>]
where SMTP Address is any valid SMTP address, for example:
user -at- domain -dot- com
To verify that rich-text information is sent:
1) Select the Check Names command from the Tools menu after typing
the address in the above format.
This should display the SMTP address without the "SMTP:." The
name should be underlined.
2) Bring up the Properties of the address by double clicking it.
If the option "Always send to this recipient in Microsoft
Exchange rich-text format" is checked indicating that rich-text
information (the WINMAIL.DAT file) is sent along with the
b. Rich-Text Information Not Sent:
If you use a One-Off address and you do not want to send rich-text
information to the recipient, the address should have the following
<SMTP Address>
where SMTP Address is any valid SMTP Address, for example:
user -at- domain -dot- com
NOTE: Unlike the address in step 5.a. above, the SMTP Address is not
proceeded by "SMTP:" and the address is not enclosed in square
If you click the Check Names command and then get the properties of the
address, you can see that the rich-text option is not selected.
However, no matter what option is selected for the address of the
recipient, the IMC settings determine whether or not rich-text
information is transmitted. If the IMC is set to never send rich-text
data, then even if the properties of the recipient address have the
rich-text option selected, no rich-text is transmitted.
If the IMC has separate settings for individual domains, then the
settings for those domains takes precedence for all messages addressed
to users in those domains.
Bill Blinn (bblinn -at- sprynet -dot- com)
Copyediting-L listowner
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