Re: Big sig! question from Barb

Subject: Re: Big sig! question from Barb
From: "Wittel, Teresa J." <WITTTJ -at- NCSLINK -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 17:17:00 -0700

Barb - If you will look at messages from earlier today, you'll see one
from Mr. Bauman. Unfortunately, he sent a humongous message out to the
listserv by accident. Here is his explanation. (BTW, Jim, this came
across MUCH better.)

From: James Bauman on 10/30/97 04:04 PM

Subject: A message from the world-record holder--Mr. Big Sig

I never dreamed I'd be in the techwhirlers' Hall of Infamy!

This message is a test to see if I'm the cause of the problem or just a
victim of coincidence. My suspicions and my typical life experiences
me to believe the former, unfortunately. If this message results in
another light-year long message, my sincere apologies. This message was
made from a new stationery file in Lotus Notes. I threw away the old
in case that was the problem---yet, I'd never had a problem with it

I'm crossing my fingers before I send this out!

Jim Bauman
IS Technical Publications
Safety-Kleen Corp.

mailto:jbauman -at- safety-kleen -dot- com

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