Choice of Platform / Microsoft Writing tools

Subject: Choice of Platform / Microsoft Writing tools
From: "Roz Ault, Information Technology, X 377" <AULT -at- FAXON -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 09:29:04 -0400

Regarding the discussion about the best choice of platform for a
freelance writer:

I sympathize with the writer who hates to give up the ease of use
of his Mac, since I, too, find that I'm much more productive on
my Mac than on on my Windows machine. Although I would be hard
pressed to defend a decision to start out now with a Mac, for
people who already have a lot of learning and software invested
in the Mac, one option is to buy a Mac that can run both
platforms, via Virtual PC.

Recently there was an article on the Macintouch web site
in which the author described how he had set up "an
Apple G3 Macintosh running a dual OS, dual-boot, Windows
95/Windows NT 4.0 Server partition, with the Windows NT
environment running Sybase System XI SQL Server for NT,
supporting full communication with Client applications also
running in the same Windows NT space."

I have no direct experience with this setup myself, but I do have
a copy of this article, which I would be happy to forward to
anyone who sends me a request in private mail.

- Roz Ault
ault -at- faxon -dot- com

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