From: "hope.d.cascio" <hope -dot- d -dot- cascio -at- ARTHURANDERSEN -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 08:58:24 -0600

Claire Kapiri wrote:

I have loaded RoboHELP 95 on to my system. I am using Word 7.0 on windows 95.

When I click on the Create New Help Project icon, Word is lanched and I
have a new document called NEWROBO.DOC.

I have looked in all the menus and cannot find any of the RoboHELP
features. There is no tool box, I have no options for lanching the Create
New Help Project dialogue box ... nothing.

What is going wrong?

Please forgive me if I am missing something silly. I have turned to
RoboHELP after trying to create a help project usinmg OMNI's MIF2RTF and
WINHELP Compiler with no luck.
Are you waiting long enough for the toolbars to load? I know sometimes it
takes a minute or two, depending on the speed of your system. Also, try right
clicking the ridgy part of one of the toolbars, then selecting the RoboHELP
toolbar if it's available. If it isn't, confirm that your template location is
pointing to the directory where and are located, and
that under Templates and Add Ins (Options menu) you've got the right template
(in this case, selected.

Hope this helps.

Hope Cascio, Knowledge Transfer Developer

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