Re: STC Job listings -Reply

Subject: Re: STC Job listings -Reply
From: Richard Mateosian <srm -at- CYBERPASS -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 13:04:21 -0800

>How come things like STC Conference Proceedings are so expensive?

Why are Girl Scout cookies so expensive? Partly to cover costs, partly to
raise money.

>Why do I get the impression that Intercom articles, Journal of TC
>articles, and chapter newsletter articles cannot be copied or
>otherwise passed around?

Non-profits enjoy the protection of the copyright laws. Why shouldn't they?

>Why can't the STC put these things up on the Internet where
>people who are interested can download them and benefit from them?

They can. I think they should. Maybe they will.

>And the STC SIGs and their newsletters and email discussion groups?
>Can they be legitimately made exclusive?


>Is Bruce Byfield right when he says: In fact, from my experience, it
>appears that the STC at all levels is more interested in preserving
>its own well-being than in helping its members.

Most organizations try to protect their own well being.

To the best of my understanding -- I do not speak for STC -- the
organization's charter is to advance technical communication. It does not
favor members over non-members, nor does it take sides between workers and
their employers/clients.

That's my two cents worth. ...RM

Richard Mateosian <srm -at- cyberpass -dot- net> Berkeley, CA
Review Editor, IEEE Micro

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